Coming out From Behind the Computer


You’re cranking this week.  You’ve put out a blog post or two, worked on your website, taken tons of photographs, shot a video and posted 50 items for sale.  You’ve had a tremendously productive week and stayed on task to complete your goals. For some this is not so easy, so be proud of your accomplishments. Next week it’s, wash, rinse and repeat. And the next week, and the next, and so on.

The question bears asking: “how do you stay motivated?”  If it’s a brand new business, motivation comes naturally.  You’re on a natural high to see the fruits of your labor, whether it’s content or sales. If you’ve been working several weeks straight and find yourself at an exhausted crossroad, it’s not so easy to stay inspired.  Let’s face it; all of us need motivation and inspiration to validate what we’ve been working so hard to achieve.


Seek to understand what motivated you to get started. Personal development is always an inspiration for me.  I love to learn.  Learning new things, seeing new things and implementing what I’ve learned keeps me motivated. Investing in yourself and your craft can stimulate new ideas.

Sitting behind a computer running a business can become a lonely proposition, and while you can have one million ideas in your back pocket, it takes some inspiration and encouragement to focus on putting them in play. Perhaps it’s a loved one or your family that offers inspiration, or a sport or activity, or even a shopping trip! If it works for you? Go do it.

It doesn’t mean let your business go — it just means take a break to refuel.

Here are 8 simple ideas to implement and recharge your inspiration:

  • Meet in person with other entrepreneurs or online sellers.  Attend a conference, find a local Meetup group, work in a community workspace, or attend a class in your area of expertise or on a subject you need to learn to propel you to the next level in your business. You will find like-minded individuals that can help you or enhance your thinking.

  • Enroll in an online course or class.  Connecting with influencers or thought leaders you admire or want to learn from can be motivating in itself.  While it may not get you away from the computer, it can open up channels in your mind that take you in a clearer direction toward achieving your goals.  Many online courses include live workshops or calls and private groups where you can ask questions if you’re stuck or stagnate.  Maybe you will find someone in the same business who has posted an article or case study for you to follow.  Learning where others are struggling can validate that you are not alone.  Good online leaders will see to it that you maintain a level of inspiration that can be implemented in your own business, and peers can fuel the fire with their stories.
  • Exercise, meditation or yoga.  Some of the greatest entrepreneurs spend their mornings or an allocated time of day either working out, meditating or practicing yoga.  For many all 3 practices are in play.  Working out for you may not be going to a gym but taking a brisk walk or run, or maybe even a bicycle ride.  This can provide clarity while allowing the creative juices to start flowing.
  • Go shopping or scavenging.  This is not a motivation to go out and spend money needlessly.  If shopping relaxes you, then by all means take a trip to a mall and walk around.  Head to an antique mall or thrift shop to see the latest arrivals or become inspired to upcycle.  If you are a crafter or artist, perhaps a trip to a gallery. The point is to relax, unwind and become inspired.
  • Listen to a podcast.  If you are new to podcasts, they can be very inspirational, funny, creative or productive.  There are hundreds of thousands of people producing podcasts now and it’s as simple as picking one through your smartphone or computer.  Search for a subject that inspires you. I have replace music in my car with podcasts during my 17-mile commute to work each day.  It charges me up to learn something new or listen to someone who can make me laugh.  For inspiration, start with Elizabeth Gilbert’s Magic Lessons podcast (she is the author of Eat, Pray, Love). If you like to listen to a variety of inspirational talks, then tune in to NPR’s Ted Radio Hour recommendations. To get started you can set up the “Podcasts” icon on your smartphone.  To browse through appealing content, open up the iTunes store (or Stitcher for Android) and search.  Once you find someone that you enjoy listening to, just hit the “Subscribe” button and all of their future episodes will be available on your phone.Coming out from behind the computer screen
  • Find a local festivity or event. Clear your mind and take a complete breather by finding a play, concert, movie or other festivity to attend.  Sometimes being taken away from the day-to-day world of business is just what is needed.  Once you snap back to working behind the computer again, your priorities will be clearer and the rabbit trails that you might have otherwise traveled down will turn to focus.
  • Attend a Conference.  While this was mentioned in #1 above, it bears repeating. Unlike a local meet-up, this is attending an event on a much grander scale.  There is something quite magical about walking into a very large ballroom or convention center where there are hundreds of your peers
    Tribe Conference, Franklin, TN

    and the sense stimulation of music, lights, microphones and energetic attendees. At most conferences you will have the ability to listen to multiple speakers on multiple topics, stimulating inspiration and creativity as it pertains to your own business.  After a couple of days you will be more than eager to go home and start implementing all you’ve learned while it is fresh and you are revitalized.  You will also be excited to make virtual connections as a follow-up to those you met at the conference. Does it cost more?  Yes, it does.  There is typically a cost to attend, as well as airfare (or gas), hotel, transportation and food.  Investing in yourself and your business 1 or 2 times a year for this level of engagement is well worth the price (not to mention it is tax deductible).

  • Start a Facebook Group in your niche.  While this does not get you out from behind the computer, it does give you a group of people to talk to about your successes and challenges.  Let’s face it…family can be supportive and listen, but unless they are in your business with you they cannot always relate or offer the advice you need to move forward.  Once you grow your group there is the option of getting together locally or regionally to meet your peers face-to-face.  Facebook Groups are free to create and maybe it’s a viable first step.

Where do you seek inspiration away from the computer?

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